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- March 19 to 21, 2022 – installation/collage sedimento and hand-carved wood sculpture à flor da pele, at the collective exhibition Fenomenologias Ultraterrestres, a contemporary art exhibition organized by Matéria Cíclica, curated by Inês Ferreira-Norman, and integrated into Compostival, Peniche.
- October 3 and 4, 2020 ─ installation eu adapto-me: vestígio e transposição (I adapt myself: vestige and transposition) within the scope of the festival Guimarães noc noc ’10, Guimarães. Remote presentation of the project at Livraria Flâneur, Porto.
- October 5 and 6, 2019 — collage in festival Guimarães noc noc ‘9, Guimarães.
- From September 9 to October 8, 2017 — sculpture/installation eu adapto-me in the collective exhibition “E Agora, Exposição de antigos estudantes de Escultura da FBAUP”, with curator Volker Schnuttgen and production of Saco Azul – Associação Cultural, in Maus Hábitos, Porto.
- From April 26 to May 12, 2017 — solo exhibition “matriz e múltiplo”, with curatorship of TARDOZ — estudos independentes, in the Library of FEUP, the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
- From May 20 to June 11, 2016 — wood engraving in the collective exhibition “Quando se quer gravar”, Galeria dos Leões, Universidade do Porto.
- 12 October 2012 — one installation, joint work with Pedro Pereira, within the project Terzo Paradiso from Michelangelo Pistoletto, in Guimarães 2012, European Capital of Culture, in exhibition until 2014. Catalogue Michelangelo Pistoletto: Cittadellarte & Love Difference, ed. Guimarães 2012, 2013. ISBN:978-989-98292-7-5.
- From May 5 to June 17, 2012 — sculpture/installation ar de serra in the collective exhibition “Projeto 1: Interecycling”, at the Museum of Caramulo.
- From August 11 to September 15, 2010 — drawings preencher – ligar – percorrer in the collective exhibition “Intocável”, Palácio das Artes, Porto.
estatuária e instalação pública \\\ public statuary and installation
- Collaboration with sculptor Manuel Sousa Pereira in St. Benedict bronze sculpture for Bragança cathedral, Portugal (inauguration in August 22, 2014).
- Ephemeral sculpture o céu, a nós se abrindo in Ribeira da Aldeia, Pardilhó, completed in June 2012.